Announcing AWX 24.3.0 and AWX-Operator 2.16.0

Hi all,

We’re happy to announce that the next release of AWX, version 24.3.0 is now available!
Some notable features include:

  • Replaced role system (RBAC) with permissions-based database roles (#14905)
  • Added a new attribute to the Terraform credential plugin which allows pushing of the Google GCE credentials file (#15055)

In addition AWX Operator version 2.16.0 has also been released!
Some notable features include:

Known Issues:

  • Existing /api/v2/roles/ type endpoints will be missing system auditor & admin roles
  • Organization auditors will lose view permission to job templates that use inventories in their organization, but existing permissions are preserved via a data migration
  • Existing role-related endpoints are marked as deprecated and a new set of endpoints for DB-backed role management are introduced

See more about the known issues/discussion on @AlanCoding post found here: Info on AWX RBAC changes pending release

-The AWX team.


:warning: Hi folks, we’ve had two people report problems with awx-operator: 2.16.0 / AWX v24.3.0.
You might see awx-task pod crashing. Possibly due to an issue when creating the psycopg connection. More info in this bug report.

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this release has been marked as a no upgrade/do not use due to 2 issues found post release

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