Hello everyone,
We are very happy to announce a new major version of AWX, 14.0.0!
Here are some of the notable changes from the official changelog (https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md):
Hello everyone,
We are very happy to announce a new major version of AWX, 14.0.0!
Here are some of the notable changes from the official changelog (https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md):
updating from awx 13 to 14 appears to fail. the postgres container never starts. While I know “upgrades between versions is not supported” they at least worked until now.
Other folks have noticed and reported this as well - here’s an issue with instructions for moving forward: https://github.com/ansible/awx/issues/7854#issuecomment-671406456
I didn't have an issue. My install is in docker and I have postgres working on an external database so I don't have to worry about backup and restoring my settings or playbooks. I just deleted the awx and redis containers, copied my inventory file out and pulled down the latest info from the repo for awx. Copied inventory file back and ran the install play....... Once it was done I was good to go