Announcing Ansible 1.3.4

We’ve released v1.3.4, which is now available on PyPi and should be available in the fedora/EPEL testing repositories. This release fixes two minor bugs:

  • An error while pushing a 0-length file out when using accelerated mode.
  • An error in the copy module, when the filename contained the word “raw”

Enjoy, and let us know if you have any problems with this release.


Enjoy, and let us know if you have any problems with this release.

Had problems locating release notes for 1.3

That’s a blog post.

If you want the changelog, see ‘’ for any branch in github.

Thanks. Blog post serves well for release notes. seems
too detailed for my needs.

We typically do blog posts for the major releases. This point release was fairly minor and only addressed two bugs (one of which most people would probably not hit).

Right. The problem is that this information (about related major
release) is not directly accessible.