I have a variable config_src which i use in a lot many places (host vars, inventory file, playbook) and its value is supplied at the run time as extra vars (-e)
This variable is actually a path variable, so i need to ensure that it is always ending in a ‘/’. As this variable is in use in a lot of places, i want to make sure that a ‘/’ is appended to it in a single place as applying some filter to all the places is not feasible. My inventory file is something that is common for all playbooks, so i think i should append the ‘/’ somewhere in the inventory file only.
How can i do that ?
One thing I could think of is instead of passing in config_src as the -e arg, pass in dummy_src and declare config_src = {{ dummy_src|some_filter }} as a variable somewhere that makes sense for your specific structure (probably a top level default variable based on your initial post).
It might not even be necessary. For file paths, multiple slashes are collapsed into one on most OSes I’ve tried.
Thanks for the Idea ayush
Custom filter seemed to much work as there are a lot of possibilities to cover. What i ended up doing is appending a ‘/’ wherever the var is used, like - {{config_src}}/
This ensure that you have to give correct path to point inside the folder. Any extra ‘/’ will be ignored of course.