--alias on docker_network

Good morning.

Is ‘–alias’ docker network parameter supported by docker_network ansible module?

Use case: I would like to “ansibilize” below native docker command:

docker network connect --alias erp.example.com --alias drive.example.com network-nginx-proxy nginx-proxy


I was not able to find the option.

Many thanks.



Is '--alias
docker network parameter supported by docker_network
ansible module?

Use case: I would like to "ansibilize" below native docker command:

docker network connect --alias erp.example.com --alias
drive.example.com network-nginx-proxy nginx-proxy

The docker_network module manages docker networks, it only provides
basic functionality to connect containers to the network (see

To connect containers to networks, use the docker_container module
(Just make sure that you don't accidentally recreate or restart your
container! You can use the `comparisons` option to prevent that.)


Many thanks Felix