Hi all!
I have a fairly simple (at least it seems that way!) question about how to arrange variables – or even roles for that matter-- for a runbook that I’ve written for my presentation at AnsibleFest on the Docker module.
the issue is this: I use the docker module for launching a specific number docker containers and have specific images for each type of container, those types being broken into roles. The types are simply web (apache), db (percona xtradb cluster), and haproxy. There is not much in the way for this talk to try to configure the launched containers as it’s more about the ability to launch the containers.
Now, currently, I have within each of the roles of course a vars/main.yml file with a variable I was going to use “containers_count”. There is a task in roles/common/tasks/main.yml that simply launches containers
- name: docker image control
docker: image=“{{repository_name}}/{{ image }}” name=“{{ type }}_{{ item }}” state={{ docker_state }}
with_sequence: count={{ containers_count }}
The top level playbook simply does this:
hosts: docker
roles: -
hosts: docker
roles: -
hosts: docker
roles: -
This results in the above task being called for each “type” and each role has its own “container_count” from the role’s vars.
It was pointed out to me that roles need to be more of a plugin ability and specific things like a count of containers being more site-specific, perhaps using inventory. The issue with this is that inventory is per host, correct? So, in my testing, the only host is localhost, where I’m running docker. For my presentation, hosts will be a certain number and on each a certain number of containers running.
Where then would it make sense to specify the count of containers per type? Say for instance, I want 9 cluster node containers, 3 haproxy containers and 10 web containers-- what would be a portable and flexible way to do this? What is best practices in this case?
Thank you!
PS: my respository is https://github.com/CaptTofu/ansible-docker-presentation for more context.