Adding a repo file before doing a yum install

Hi forum newbie alert

I want to do this:
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/kibana.repo

name=Kibana repository for 4.4.x packages

sudo yum -y install kibana

So I think I would normally do this:

You are talking about yum but uses the apt module, that should be yum I presume.

You have all the modules here

and if you search for yum you'll find

yum_repository - Add or remove YUM repositories

You can also find the documentation on the command line like this.

$ ansible-doc --list|grep yum
yum Manages packages with the `yum' package manager
yum_repository Add or remove YUM repositories

To get the documentation on the yum_repository module
$ ansible-doc yum_repository

Thanks Kai I’ll check this out!