Hi Pavel,
I can only speak as a community maintainer. However, from experience, trying to pack extra logic like that into modules results in the code becoming less reliable. The "check" parameter you've suggested is effectively duplicating the functionality of "when", while not being as flexible.
My alternative suggestion would be to split the "test" shell task (which you can set to always use `changed_when: False`) from the "update" shell task and use the pre-existing when controls to decide if the "update" shell task even needs to run.
- name: Check record
shell: record-is-present
register: check
changed_when: False
- name: Add record
shell: add-record
register: result
when: check.rc == 0
This also has the advantage that it's also very clear why things happened and you can access the output of both shell commands.
Hi Mark, thank you for your comment and opening a discussion.
Your solution is incomplete. If record-is-present returns non zero value, then it fails and playbook stops. So I dare to say that it is not that intuitive to write it out of head as it should be. Obviously, we can add failed_when: False to fix this.
In my opinion, it does not follow Ansible philosophy. It is a workaround for missing core functionality, not a solution. It would be a solution if Ansible recognized changed/failed/skipped results. But it has ok/changed/failed/skipped.
Therefore I do not want to have two tasks that report (ok, skipped) and add lots of additional lines and logic. I would like to have single task that can report ok when the host is in desired state and without the need of implementing that logic myself. The skipped result should really not reflect that system is in correct state, but rather that the task is not applicable.
Outputs of the check command can be added to the result, I don't see any problem in this.
While I do sometimes miss the "check" type logic that's available with Puppet, it can also cause confusion in and of itself, and is often a sign that something would be much better handled as a custom module rather than a shell task.
Well, yes. But if you are going to write custom module for every single command you need, then you won't get very far. Especially since such things should also be shared across projects and maintained. That is a lot of hustle for single line straight forward commands.