I’m trying to use LDAP authentication to connect to AD. I want to use TLS (configure awx → subcategory: ldap → ‘ldap start tls’), but I need to add the CACert for the AD server.
If AWX weren’t docker’ized, I’d add it in /etc/openldap/certs, but with docker, I have no idea where/how to add the cert. Any ideas?
OK, so this may not be the best forum, but see earlier comment re: “no idea where/how to add the cert.” Or to put it another way, if I were to rebuild the image (which image? awx_web? awx_task?), where would the certs go in the overall directory structure of the build files, and what else would I have to modify?
It probably just needs to be added to the web container. I’ll point out that our task container image is built with the web container image as a base so it would just be picked up by that.
You can see a little bit about how we add files to the image itself here: