Accelerate mode and variables

Should it be possible to enable/disable accelerate mode based on a variable? I’d like to have something like this:

In group_vars/all:

accelerate_mode: true

In a playbook:

  • hosts: targets
    accelerate: “{{ accelerate_mode }}”

So that’s what I’d like to have, but it doesn’t work. The only value that has any effect is a literal ‘true’ (and accelerate mode then works). Anything else is ignored, and accelerate mode is not used. Is there any way to do this? Thanks,


When reporting things, it’s always great to include the output of “ansible --version”.

This is probably just a case of this variable needing to be templated.

Let me know!

I have tested this, and it was working fine a week ago. In addition to the information Mike requested, could you also include a pastebin/gist of your play running with -vvvv?

Sorry about that, I’m running a dev version from yesterday: 078aaa9 .


Here’s a gist with the setup and output:


I suspect it wasn’t tested with an inventory variable – templated in playbook land, but not in “runner” land.

We are going to look into it.