Abridged summary of ansible-devel@googlegroups.com - 7 Messages in 2 Topics

I’m trying to upload my first ansible-galaxy project.

I followed the instructions on the About tab.

I’m not sure if there is a separate “getting started” doc referred to in the message. Not sure what the problem is. meta/main.yml is there.

What is the github repository you’re trying to import? It could just be a github API glitch, so you might just need to hit the refresh button on it.


tried a refresh on both my repo and the ansible galaxy uploader

Ahh, I see your problem. The import currently expects the role directories to be in the root of the git repo. So right now you’ve got ad_hoc_logging_and_diagnostics/meta/main.yml where it just expects to find meta/main.yml. We do have a feature request to support keeping roles in sub-directories like that, but for right now you’ll just need to move all of your directories up one level and refresh.

After that you should be fine.

that worked.

I think the problem was in following the “about” instructions

$ git clone [https://username@github.com/username/acme](https://username@github.com/username/acme)

Change into the acme directory and use the ansible-galaxy CLI to create the scaffolding of a role:

$ ansible-galaxy init acme

If you do that, you end up with

New structure that loaded fine

**[****kbroughton@mb-kbroughton**:**proto/ad_hoc_logging_and_diagnostics** **- (master)]** tree .



├── README.md

├── defaults

│   └── main.yml

├── files

│   ├── hdfs_elastic_msg.yml

│   └── openstack_diagnose_ips.yml

├── handlers

│   └── main.yml

├── meta

│   └── main.yml

├── playbooks

│   └── gather_diagnostics_play.yml

├── scripts

│   ├── test_script.sh

│   └── test_script2.sh

├── tasks

│   ├── gather_diagnostics.yml

│   └── main.yml

├── templates

│   └── set_hostname

└── vars

    └── main.yml

Yes, that doesn’t seem quite right. The way I do it is:

  1. git clone foo

  2. ansible-galaxy init foo --force

  3. cd foo

  4. git add *

  5. git commit && git push