Ability to have survey questions bring up certain results

I am new to ansible and am in the middle of deploying Ansible tower. I have nailed down the basics of the survey questions. But am stuck on this part. Is there a way to prompt for a certain set of answers or questions.

For example. I am building a machine in my DEV environment. I have env as a question. But for subnet I want to just have the dev subnets show and not prod. and vice versa. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance


Hi Josh,

I assume you mean that a survey question will show specific results based upon a previous question. I looked into this a while back for the same issue with wanting what environment is selected to change what following survey answers are allowed when provisioning. At the moment there doesn’t seem to be any way to do this (I use AWX rather than tower but results should be the same) It would need to be requested as a new feature idea, I assume on AWX or Towers github page
