Ability to allow inbound connection to AWX receptor mesh on Kubernetes

[sbf@fedora awx]$ k get all
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
pod/awx-hop-node-66b644d5f7-xgll6   1/1     Running   0             8h
pod/awx-postgres-13-0               1/1     Running   1 (38h ago)   2d9h
pod/awx-task-65d6c69fdb-h5sb2       4/4     Running   0             82m
pod/awx-web-78d6849757-6wlwm        3/3     Running   0       

awx-hop-node is deployed inside of the cluster.

ex1 is a remote execution node, running on my local machine outside of the cluster.

here is the full guide on what I did