A question regarding openstack module authentication


I’m trying to configure keystone domains/projects/users through Ansible using os_keystone_domain/os_keystone_project & os_user modules but I’m having difficultys understanding the authentication method.

I have preset j2 template that’s placed on the host(admin-openrc) and all of the information is also defined as variables that get included into the playbook but there does not seem to be a way to use those.

As far as i know i need to only use the admin_token in keystone and the default ‘admin’ user but I cant parse them into the playbook. What I’ve got so far is:

  • name: Keystone domain creation
    state: present
    name: ‘{{ openstack_domain }}’
    description: Admin domain

Is there a easy way to pass admin/admin_token.
Would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.