2.1 devel; templating changes?


I’m investigating https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/issues/3032 at the moment and have found the windows integration tests for win_template no longer pass against latest devel. It appears re templating the same file now reports changed=true whereas in stable- branch it reports changed=false

Are there any ‘in progress’ changes to templating at the moment?

Many thanks,


none that I’m aware of, what has changed is how we checksum (using stat module) but not sure if that affects the win_template module.

Thank you. That might explain the difference. I will see if the same is true for Linux / template tests.


I looked into this and pushed a change to win_template earlier today. This should be resolved in devel ansible-modules-core. I don’t think there has been a submodule bump yet in ansible/ansible.

Thank you, I will give this a try tomorrow or Wednesday.


Thanks Matt, I just tested with latest devel the win_template integration tests are passing again.
