I thought I would quickly discuss this here before reporting a bug as I could not find an existing bug report:
I tried a task like this:
- name: “Install Development tools package”
yum: {name: “@Development tools”, state: latest}
And it did not install the group, it simply reported as unchanged.
When I switched to state: installed, it worked:
- name: “Install Development tools package”
yum: {name: “@Development tools”, state: installed}
I am using Ansible 1.9.4
Is this bug known? I cannot find a bug report for it.
I’m not sitting at my computer to check but this sounds like it might be a known limitation of the yum module listed as the last note in the docs: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/yum_module.html#notes
Yum has two kinds of groups (package groups listed in the spec file when building the package and environment groups listed in a separate xml file when building the yum repository.) Sometimes yum will treat these two interchangably. other times it requires you to specify them using slightly different syntax: “@group” vs “@^group”. Unfortunately, the interface ansible is using requires the separate syntax so you have to decide if you are dealing with an environment group or a package group and change your group name appropriately.
I was just following the Ansible yum module's example, as they
specified '@Development tools', is that wrong then?
Asfand Yar Qazi