The Ansible ecosystem docsite is here

@rfc2549 I hear you. We (community team) talked about this a few days ago. It’s still a little strange because I feel like this is something that really should be simple. What are those criteria for projects need to meet - or as @gwmngilfen says - what are the table stakes? It’s probably going to take a lot of discussion and some tricky navigation to get us there but - rest assured - there is no gatekeeping of the ecosystem by Red Hat. And I think there are a lot of lessons learned from things like collection inclusion guidelines that we can reference for the ecosystem.

Another thing we can draw from is what @samccann captured for the Awesome Ansible list: Setting guidelines for awesome ansible's curated list of interesting tools · Issue #242 · ansible-community/community-topics · GitHub

That’s a pretty sweet list of guidelines already imho

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