Fred, thanks for the awesome example. I have found a bug, in the example for what a vars_file should look like…
Good catch, thanks. Updated.
Fred, thanks for the awesome example. I have found a bug, in the example for what a vars_file should look like…
Good catch, thanks. Updated.
If anyone else has well-commented examples to contribute, that’d be great. I don’t want this to all live off in my repo, though, so let’s see if we can make some more examples to ship with Ansible and maybe improve the docs while we’re at it.
Haven’t really been reading this too closely, but I’m willing to make a final edit pass when you think you’re done and host it on the doc site.
If I haven’t said so already, I am very happy to see the fish sticks reference.
template (temp.j2):
------------------------------------------domain: {{ domain }}
server: {{ server }}
dollarserver: $serverplaybook (simple.yaml):
- hosts: dnsservers
server: www.${domain}
user: root
- name: Templ with var
action: template src=temp.j2 dest=/tmp/temp.txtoutput on node (/tmp/temp.txt):
server: www.${domain}
dollarserver: $server
Tried this again with -devel, and now it works as I expected it to.
I suspect there is something wrong with your playbook formatting.
Can you paste what you have? It's impossible to tell with what
information you have provided.