Is there a better way to search through a list using when and regex_search

It should create a file on each remote host when used correctly. Quoting from
your last email today:

  "I have something I can work with now..."

  - name: search_snmp
    hosts: all
    - name: write output to a file if snmp if found
      path: ./{{ansible_play_name}}_device_list.txt

If you use template instead of lineinfile the file shall be created on each
of the "all" remote hosts. Try absolute path to find the file easier. For

  - name: write output to a file if snmp if found
      src: output.txt.j2
      dest: "/tmp/{{ ansible_play_name }}_output.txt"

It's difficult to guess all details and help you without minimal, complete,
verifiable, example [mcve]. Try for example and post
the complete code if you have problem. Btw, good catch with the output's
nested lists.





Thanks for the feedback on [mcve]. Hopefully this is right.


There are two playbooks that I was working off of. search_snmp_v1.yml (jinja template) and search_snmp_v2.yml (lineinfile)

Function of the Playbook:

  1. SSH to each host and run the show snmpcommunity and check if one of the snmp strings match the oldSnmp list

  2. output two files

  • one file is just a list of host(s) which contains one of the snmp strings in the oldSnmp list (search_snmp_device_list.txt). Host that do not have any matching strings will not be listed on the file.

  • one file is the output from all host that contains one of the snmp strings in the oldSnmp list (search_snmp_output.txt). Host that do not have any matching strings will not have the output appended to the file.

Problem Description:
The search_snmp_v1.yml uses a jinja template. The output get overwritten and I don’t want a file for each host. search_snmp_v2.yml uses lineinfile and seems to work for adding the hostname of the device if the snmp string matches one of the listed strings in oldSnmp. The search_snmp_output.txt does have all the output for each device, however, it seems like there is duplicate entries.



Split the playbook search_snmp_v1.yml to two plays. Collect the data in the
first play. Then "delegate_to" localhost and "run_once" the templates in
the second play. Remove `strategy: free` in the second play. You've
already found out:

    [WARNING]: Using run_once with the free strategy is not currently
    supported. This task will still be executed for every host in the
    inventory list.

Change the templates and test it.




I have used your templates and playbook and ran it against around 170+ devices. The changes works well, except when there is a host that has failed in which the files are not generated. If I exclude the hosts that have failed and re-run the playbook, the output gets generated.


FWIW. See how to create a group of reachable hosts first.