Future of the Ansible Community package

(Disclaimer: I am aware the way I write sometimes seems a bit aggressive - trying to improve on that but still a long way to go - please do not read it as an aggression, I promise it is not, it is just the way eloquence comes out when writing in what is my second language)

Well, I certainly agree we are here discussing it again this time around. In previous occasions there was not really a discussion, and as @sivel mentions in one of the responses here, referring to something that is hard to find is hard to find. I would not really call that discussing.

Well, I cannot compare to what was before (when?) because I wasn’t there and I don’t have the time to search the entire history of this community to find the actual conditions.

That being said, though, I would be extremely surprised if conditions had not changed between then (whenever it was) and now. Ansible has been in a steady adoption curve all over the world, it is becoming or already is the de-facto standard in automation. The size of the package has increased a lot, the invention of collections, the publishing of galaxy_ng, the creation of a Steering Committee, the establishing of a process (which is manual, ironically), all those things and more have happened between then and now.

Again, I am making this claim on the blind, I do not have the previous state to compare to, so I am inferring that all these developments changed conditions by a lot. However you claim the conditions did not change. If I may suggest, I think we should try and go through the exercise of actually listing the conditions/reasons thought of before, and analysing them again. We do have a lot of new people (myself included) in the community, it would be interesting to see what all of us have to say about those conditions.

Well, I think I already addressed that, but basically: I don’t think we had actual discussions before, and the fact that past conditions are always referred to but no one seems to be able to list them (now and before) is unsettling to me. If I am to agree to those reasons/conditions, I need to know what they are.