(developers) All about the new auto-generated docs feature, how it works, and what I need your help with

I think it's unnecessary and way too much to maintain and think about.


I've forseen ansible/ and ansible-docs/ living beneat a single


1. In "ansible" a `make manpages' will create *.man
2. In "ansible-docs", a `make' will generate include file for .rst (PR
   submitted 5m ago) and will create all static HTML as has been done so
   far. (Nothing else changed there!)

Later on, I'd like an "ansible-booklet/" at the same level for the rest
(but that's still on the horizon somewhere)

We basically have this already, it's "make docs". It would have to
call the module formatter once to output the JSON
file. Super easy.

That's the way I envision it, too.


About your suggestion to use Makefile to generate JS docs:

* https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/1215

this generate the modules.js file to move in ansible-docs (I'll
integrate my template in it ASAP) to use JS generated documentation.


PS: just a prototype, maybe some python code can be write better/removed :stuck_out_tongue: