Current situation with Matrix & Libera

@sean_sullivan @maxamillion you are not wrong. I’ve been putting it off for two reasons:

  1. We just launched this forum, one project at a time :slight_smile:
  2. This requires a coherent place to discuss, as it’s a project wide thing

Now, point (2) is exactly what this forum is for (among other things) but do we have enough people here yet? I’m not sure. When I got the Matrix vote done 2 years ago, it was through the GitHub community-topics process, and we did get a decent amount of discussion - right now I’m not sure we’d see representation from all the folks who might want a say in it.

The Steering Committee is in the process of moving community-topics here Soon :tm:, but I also don;t want to do what Fedora did, and make the first community-topic discussion a giant fireball of opnion (the Telemetry discussion is well over 500 posts). Now I’m not sure this is as divisive as that, but still it gives me pause.

So, I’m holding fire for a little longer - but perhaps I’m being too cautious. Let me say it this way - I’m not going to propose it yet, but I’m not the only person in this community that can make a proposal :wink:

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Fair point and solid plan. +1