Can we group all ecosystem project docs under the domain?

I don’t personally know what is available beyond ReadTheDocs, but they do have some comparison pages that are interesting to compare features with.

So I agree all the ecosystem projects are well-suited to ReadtheDocs - it’s feature rich, extremely simple to use, and open to adding community members to support docs builds.

But is it the right place for our ‘flagship’ so to speak? Ansible package docs got 34M hits last year. Now with the caveat that it’s dated, RTD blog states they had 700M hits back in 2021, including a major site for the government of Brazil. That does give me the warm fuzzy that the site can handle the traffic from Ansible package docs, if we try to host them there.

So, if we could get over the technical hurdles, we get a stable system where people are actively working on improvements and open source. Today, if there’s a problem with the build and in the internal-to-redhat Jenkins jobs, we can’t get the community to review/improve/troubleshoot problems. Just looking at the amount of innovation that’s happened in the ansible/ansible-documentation repo since it was lifted and shifted out of ansible/ansible - I’ll say great things happen when we enable the community to drive change.

But it goes back to - what does the community want and need? @felixfontein @gotmax23 -as two people heavily involved in the package docs build, what are your views here?